A Group of Stamped Narrow Neck Light-Clay Amphorae from Portița Inlet off North Romanian Coastline

George Nuțu

Recently, a pottery assemblage retrieved on the beach or in the water off Gura Portiței (12.5 km SE from Jurilovca, Tulcea district, on the Black Sea coastline) entered in the Museum from Tulcea collections. Most are narrow neck light clay amphorae, mainly SinIVC1-C2, including a series of specimens bearing stamps. The narrow-neck light-clay amphorae extend over a vast areas in the Pontus Euxinus, and a large number of specimens were discovered. Therefore, we have all the prerequisites to hold a series of stamps and dipinti illuminate their contents, producers, and other details. Although there are a relatively large number of stamps, their repertoire is scanty. Over the years, scholars suggested that the letters stamped on these amphorae represent specific batches, the abbreviated form of the producers’ names or the transport series. Among the various stamps from the Portița assemblage, the commonest are the letters that correspond to numbers.

This paper will focus on the meaning of the stamps on the light-clay amphorae retrieved at Portița inlet (onshore and offshore). Another aim is to explore the morphodynamics of this strategic coastal inlet in the first centuries AD and to position the long-distance links to Dobruja (north-east of Moesia Inferior province) within wider networks of Pontic seaborne trade.

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