A Heraclean carrot amphora?
Andrei Opait
A favorite amphora shape beginning in the 4th century AD, the so-called carrot amphora, is well documented in the Sinope area. A second subtype, with its red fabric rich in iron nodules and covered sometimes by a whitish slip, has been already pointed out by the author in previous papers. However, a third carrot subtype has been found in a different fabric. Although this also has iron nuclei, their quartz, black and brownish inclusions predominate, and they exhibit reduced quantities of pyroxene, the color is beige-brownish, and it is covered by dark beige-brownish paint. An origin in Heraclea is not excluded, especially as an imitation of a Pseudo Coan amphora, and of an amphora type Shelov B, both made in the above-mentioned fabric, have been found at Histria and Dinogetia. Although it does not compete with the well-known Heraclean types of the Shelov F series, this amphora maintains a constant presence on the northern and western Pontic shores and reaches even Athens, Limyra, and Gaza. This amphora type brings new information about the large variety of wine produced at Heraclea.